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Fender Joe Strummer Guitar Strap - Leopard

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  • 49.00 €
  • Ref : 112805
33,25 €
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  • Garantie 3 ans
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Guitar Legend by Star's Music

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Sangle courroie

The Legendary Joe Strummer played guitar with an intensity that cut like a knife with raw energy and passion in every intense swipe at the strings. He was the embodiment of Punk culture and a crucial component to its development. Best known for his work with The Clash, Strummer and his bandmates were a major part of creating punk rock and has inspired countless other bands to this day.

Celebrate Joe Strummer's unparalleled style and substance with this leopard print strap. Designed to match his legendary Telecaster®, this strap features faux leopard print animal fur with a Joe Strummer signature leather badge and is backed by tubular nylon for maximum comfort.
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Fiche Technique

  • FENDER Joe Strummer Guitar Strap Leopard
  • SKU Fender 0990640070
  • Courroie guitare
  • Fabriquée au Canada
  • Nylon tubulaire
  • Imitation léopard
  • Largeur 2" (5.08 cm)
  • Ajustable de 34" à 59" (86.36 > 149.86 cm)

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